To generate a balance sheet, please ensure that all your bank transactions in each account have been categorised or matched to invoices or expenses and confirmed.
- Go to 'Reports'
- Press 'Balance Sheet' from the 'Accounting Reports' tile:
- Press 'Show Filters'
- Press the X in the grey box to select a custom period
- Select 'Include unconfirmed transactions' if you haven't confirmed your bank transactions yet:
- Use the 'Download' button to download the balance sheet report as an Excel or PDF file
- Enable 'Show Accountancy information' from 'Your Profile' > 'Preferences' to access the Trial Balance and General Ledger reports, which offer a more detailed view of your company's accounts.
- Invite your accountant to your Business Finance Assistant account so they can access the reports in real time: How can I invite my accountant or Bookkeeper?
Refer to this article for more information about exporting: How can I export my data as an Excel file?