To delete a transaction:
- Go to 'Bank Transactions'
- Select the transactions you'd like to delete using the checkboxes
- Go to 'Actions'
- Press 'Clear selected transactions' to remove any categorisation / attached documents.
- Select the transactions again
- Press 'Actions'
- Press 'Delete selected transactions'
Please note that a 'confirmed' transaction cannot be deleted; you should press the 'edit' button before attempting to delete it.
To delete a transaction using a mobile device:
- Go to 'Bank Transactions'
- Press 'edit' if the transaction is confirmed
- Highlight the transaction by pressing and holding down the line you want to delete.
- Press 'Actions'
- Press 'Clear selected transactions' to remove any categorisation / attached documents.
- Select the transactions again
- Go to 'Actions'
- Press 'Delete selected transactions'
Please also see: Why do my deleted transactions keep reappearing?