Please follow the steps below to set an opening balance for a fixed asset.
- Enable 'Accountant mode' from 'Your Profile' > 'Preferences'
- Select 'Bank Transactions' from the main menu
- Click 'Connect Bank Account
- Select 'Upload statements manually':
- Create a new bank account type
- Starting balance should be the amount of your fixed asset opening balance
- Click the 'Advanced' tab
- In the 'Asset Account' field, select 'Create New'
- In the 'Account Type' field, select 15000 (Fixed Assets):
- Select 'Done' to save
- In the 'Create Bank Account' window, choose the 15001 'Fixed Assets Account' next to the 'Asset Account' field,
- Accounting for initial Balance: Yes
Use this account to enter the depreciation with a - (negative amount)
For a new fixed asset:
- When paying for the fixed asset select the fixed asset category directly.
- Depreciation of this asset should be posted in the "Fixed asset" bank account